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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 10 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

16th September 2011
Mt. Biking: Loire Round trip two
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 11.73 n/m (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Mags Birthday :)
Our second night on the banks of the Loire near Chappelle Aux Noux and were woken early in the morning to rain on the van roof and thunder and lightning!!! :) But then lay in until 9:30!!! Mag then opened some birthday cards and did some birthday texting :) We decided to complete the bit of the bike ride we didn’t do yesterday by riding along the Loire to see the Chateau at Villandry, after a couple of miles we leave the Loire and head along the le Cher river including a very bumpy cobbled road section. The Chateau at Villandry was stunning and the gardens where apparently amazing – we saw them on the board outside and managed to take a nice pic through a hole in the hedge as we didn’t want to part with 9 Euro’s each – that would keep us in food for a week !!! Then back to the river seeing the usual herons and egrets and of course our favourite kingfisher!!! We carried on to Savonnieres where we bought bread and cheese and decided after yesterdays mega ride enough was enough and we headed back to the van for lunch. After a bit of a relax, doze, read, fish – a bit quiet today as the river is carrying extra water after the rain and only managed a couple of gudgeon,a skimmer bream and two small roach. At about four we left our lovely spot by the river and headed downstream, we then turned toward Chinon and passing the magnificent Chateau at Usse another photo opportunity !!! I had read that Chinon was a centre of Art and History with a Royal Fortress dominating the area and a Medieval Centre - all I can say is we found a good supermarket and managed to stock up for a couple of days !!! We found a spot to park over the river La Vienne walked back up the free lift to the castle which was okay but the tower in all the photo’s was very thin a bit of a ‘conning tower’ – sorry that’s a bad joke :( We then explored the old town which was a bit disappointing and run down with not much life about the place!!! So back to the van set the trusty gps and head 60 miles further down to the Parc Natural Regional De La Brenne and found a spot by the Etang de la Sous near St-Michel-an-Brenne for some bird watching walks tomorrow !!! Mag made a top turkey curry – amazing what you can do on one gas ring!!!! Followed by éclairs – birthday cake of course!

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